Sweet Curried Carrots

Rainbow carrots over a bed of halved brussels sprouts. Basted with a sweet turmeric and curry vegetable broth. lightly roasted in the oven and served with a curried yogurt dressing.

These rainbow carrots are beautiful!  So full of color, you almost don’t want to eat them. But they look so tasty it’s hard not to.  I know, because I caught my eating one before I had a chance to take a picture. Haha, obviously she thinks they look amazing to eat, because she could hardly contain her hunger.  I have seen carrots roasted in a brown sugar before, but that just isn’t my cup of tea.  I don’t think brown sugar goes well with carrots.  Maybe I am the strange one that thinks carrots and curry go well together?

Here is what you need


1 bushel of rainbow carrots

1 lb brussels sprouts (halved)

Curry broth:

1 Cup Vegetable Broth

1 Teaspoon Curry (mild) or coconut infused curry tastes amazing if you have it

1 Teaspoon Turmeric

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

2 Teaspoons Sugar or Honey

Curried Yogurt Dressing:

1 Cup Whole Greek Yogurt

2-3 Tablespoons leftover curry and turmeric vegetable broth

season with salt to taste. (depends on if your vegetable broth is pre-seasoned like mine)

Combine all the ingredients in a pan and simmer on low until the flavors combine.  You can tell by the consistency.  It shouldn’t be grainy, instead, all the spices should blend well with the broth to become one. Once you have your vegetables on the pan. Pour a little oil over them. Then using a basting brush, coat your carrots and sprouts with the broth and place in the oven to roast.  Halfway through baking, baste your carrots one more time with the broth. I baked mine at 350 for 30 minutes.  They should still be slightly firm.  You don’t want soggy carrots and sprouts.  I think a little crisp makes them far more delicious.  While they bake, prepare your yogurt dressing.  Before adding your leftover broth to the yogurt, make sure it has cooled fully.  Yogurt is very fragile and will curdle easily if put to heat. Warm broth is fine, but avoid adding the yogurt to direct heat.  Stir the yogurt and broth together until they become one. If you want your dressing a little thinner, just add a little more broth.  Place your dressing in the fridge to set up while your carrots finish cooking.

Now that your carrots are cooked, top with a little dressing and a dash of turmeric and enjoy!